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Potato Whirls and Whorls

Potato Whirls and Whorls
Crispy, golden fluted edges of piped mashed potatoes
Duchess potatoes formed the border of Homard Thermidor on the luxury liner according to ‘Last Dinner on the Titanic Menus and recipes From the Great Liner’. These Whirls and Whorls are a good way of bringing elegance to snacking.
Duchess potatoes are made by piping out mashed potatoes, cream, eggs, butter, salt and any seasoning and then heated till golden brown. They taste great by themselves. They can be infused with any flavor.
To customize them, Whirls can be cut like a bagel and had with any dip in between as sandwich bites. Whorls piped as nests can then be filled with dips according to the favorite flavors of the family members.
Since these cooked potatoes are shaped by piping. They can be piped into any shape. The Boston Cooking – school cookbook offers ideas of baskets, pyramids, crowns, leaves and roses.
They can be used for decoration too and as accompaniment to other dishes.


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