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Showing posts from February, 2018

Favourite Yorkshire Teatime Recipes: Traditional Country Fare (Favourite Recipes)

In 47 pages, you get 34 recipes and many of them are very new to me. Batley Cake, Cable Cake, Curd Tarts, Harrier Cake, Ilkley Cake, Leeds Parkin and so on. Then there is the set of recipes that begin with York and Yorkshire - Biscuits, Buns, Cheesecakes... Some recipes come with very distinct notes like how Parkin always has oatmeal in it. Batley Cake is made on a baking sheet and not in a tin. Thats the first one I am going to take a stab at. And the black and white pictures interspersed between the recipes retain the feel of Yorkshire in visual sense too.

Alessi garlic Breadsticks

Alessi garlic Breadsticks is a clean product with natural ingredients like flour, salt, olive oil and 2 others. My toddler enjoys it a lot. They are fun to nibble on, easy to hold for long chew time. You can tell the faint garlic taste.

Handmade Italian Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookie Baci Di Dama

Baci di Dama (pronounced Bacay dee damah )which translates to Dames Kisses or Ladies' Kisses, are Handmade Italian Chocolate Hazelnut sandwiches taste great with the crusty/ short bready (crumbling) exterior and chocolate layer spread in between. You will not stop at one. Once you are over the high of the texture, you realize tiny pieces of hazelnut too. Novel. David Lebovitz recipe has the same shape as the ones in the box. so you can satisfy that curiousity of how they were made and enjoy them even more.