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Showing posts from January, 2017

say yes to Nasal wash and no to Nasal spray

I have been suffering with cold for a while, the decongestion is so bad that I am happy when even when  nostril is working. Today the nurse suggested Naspira and it works unbelievably. Imagine squirting water through one nostril and believing that it will come out the other and also clear up whatever is clogging the passage. You have to see it to believe it. Afrin is another choice but not after knowing about Addictive Nasal Spray

A Taste of Thai Spicy Peanut Bake

In a  Shop your closet before buying a new outfit , I recalled that there was  A Taste of Thai Spicy Peanut Bake available in the pantry from my previous foraging there. I had leftover rotisserie chicken from Costco, Kale that I badly need (for vitamin C to keep me fit from cold ) and ofcourse the strong urge to eat something spicy. In minutes, I had the kale, chicken and the colorful bake conversing happily in the pan. When I tasted it to see if I needed to add more spice to counter abundance of chicken, it was way low on the scale of spice that it made more sense to leave it as a sweet chicken than load it with spice.