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Showing posts from February, 2014

Carrot Croissant Pudding

Most Croissant puddings called for heavy cream. Trip to grocery store is not an option. This  Quick Croissant Pudding  calls for condensed milk which I did stack in the refrigerator. And then when I had to put the fruit cocktail in, I thought why not  Carrots from Green Giant veggie Blend-ins  and if that wasnt enough, this recipe would also have the butternut squash in it. With Butter Pecan icecream, Carrot Butter Croissant Pudding goes really well. And the condensed milk speaks louder than the butter and the thin layers of croissant.

Bitter Gourd Achar

Yesterday I had a curry or so I thought. I enquird about the strong flavour. I first thought it must be the stems of a green leafy veggie. I was told its bitter gourd. then i was told its not curry it is  achar . The magic I was told is Sesame powder. Almost always,  Bitter gourd  needs to be morphed to make it edible. In Indian cuisine, we either fry it or use tamarind extract. This vegetable is both for cooking and eating purposes appreciated only by elders. Some brown sugar on that might change the idea for kids. The vegetables were pressure cooked.

Green Giant Veggie Blend- Ins

These individual pouches are so convenient. You dont have to worry about storing the unused veggie blend-ins.  Vegetable puree comes with many ideas for cooking. I used the carrot pouches to make  Carrot Croissant Pudding . The spinach can be used for palak paneer. Having these Veggie Blend Ins in your pantry is as handy as having tomato sauce. Approved by  Jessica Seinfeld  of

Burgers Amore

Burgersamore . If you see this truck, you want to stop it for sweet potato fries. My husband a sweet potato lover went for seconds and the order this time was amped with brown sugar. Contrary to the expectation that sweet on sweet might not work. both orders made me throw carbs scare to the wind.

The Paleo effect

Sweet plantain omelette Avocado popsicle If you looked at ice cream recipes and went , cream in this one to. Then try this Peach ice cream  without cream Pina colada icecream Pumpkin pie  with coconut crust.

How Brussel sprouts grow

Brussel sprouts  and Sylvie's Stars and Moon soup Penne with roasted Cauliflower Tamarind Turkey Burgers Three sister's garden

Kashi Thin pizza crust

We had  Kashi Four Cheese Pizza . I am not a big cheese of fan. But I found  Provolone  quite to my taste.  The sauce tasted natural. There are instructions to make a softer or crispier crust. For a softer crust, you place the pizza in a tray. I will reduce the given 12 min baking time next time. I have to try  Fontina  another time seperately, to know its taste. It has Deoderized Garlic powder  which helps you fight cold with  Allicin .

Zatrain Dirty Rice mix

I have never tasted  Dirty rice . Thought it a good idea to try and see how Zatrain's Dirty Rice mix might turn out. as soon as I opened the packet, the spices mixed the long grain rice smelled so good. You could smell the punch of the spices.  I personally like long grain especially when you are eating it as a side. Its fluffiness lets you savour the rice slowly. I disregarded the instructions of simmering for 25 min and instead heated it somewhere between medium and high and got done in a little over the 12 min that the Kashi Thin Pizza Crust  took to bake. Quick and tasty eat. Cant wait to try the jambalaya mix. It has Caramel color  which is used in colas and Pirouline kind of wafer sticks.

Mamut Marshmallow Chocolate covered cookies.

Manmut Marshmallow & Cookie Chocolate covered Mexican Sweet Candy. While biting into the biscuit, the mashmallow part tasted like coocnut. But the chocolate sticks a bit towards the end. Each piece comes in individual packing. They are thicker than a sandwich of biscuits (Indian not English). Similar product Moon Pie

Veg Biryani

Anyam Kaaya with Methi. Its not always that you open the rice cooker to  grainy rice. The trick was SOME oil. 4 cups rice 7 cups water 1 potato 2 carrots 1 capsicum many peas salt and spices The vegetables are sauted and then mixed with rice before cooking.

Milk and Citrus cake

This weekend we got oranges from CA and a recipe too for the Milk Citrus Cake . With neighbours over for dinner, dessert choice would have been easy until I took time to realise that I didnt have to search for a recipe. Characteristically  milk cake

Rodeo Burger

Rodeo Burger  at Burger King. Curious. I mistook it for the spicy chicken BK. Rodeo Burger  comes with onion rings as stuffing. We met  a cute elderly couple who gave us some coupons. Satisfries With the coupons we went to Burger King and learnt about  Make a muscle . With  2 for 5  we didnt need one of the coupons. so gave it to one kids group there. we were the only adults there on a Friday night.

Chip flavours

I had read about  Chicken waffles potato chips  in this  article . So I wanted to try it out. It has a mild sweet taste that reminds you of maple syrup. Didnt get any spicy flavour from sriracha chips but my tolerance may be skewed too. Submitted this  Tangy Cocont Flavored chips  made with raw Tamarind and scraped coconut.

Non-alcoholic beer

After reading that this non-alcoholic butterscotch beer is made from cane sugar, I want to try it. This soda tastes sweet and my friend could tell the butterscotch taste, but she felt it was too heavy. Was curious what this  Mocha mix non-dairy coffee creamer  is made of? Soy.

The 100 diet

Some of the main points are in poems No carb crepes More recipes

Another way of owning your kitchen

Making your own ketchup Sauerkraut Cheese Crackers Eating from the groundup

Chintakaya Kobbari pachadi

Chintkaya kobbari pachadi from  Konaseema . Chintakaya is raw tamarind which is green in colour. kobbari is coconut. Tasted good with fish. The taste reminded me of grated raw mango too.

Scotch eggs

At Renaissance Festival , on a board at pirate's Pub, I found   Scotch eggs  and recalled that I read about them few days ago in Anne Burrell's book Own your Kitchen. The fried batter tastes very good and has the smooth bite of a light meat . How to make Scotch Eggs

Making chocolate fans

This book speaks Hershey Colors. Alice Medrich Tiger cake At a party I was watching a chocolate cake piece. and then there turned out to be a yellow cake piece on another plate. If you want to make people eat more cake have two veriosns of it. The chocolate na dthe non chocolate. Classic Coconut Macaroons . I once made chocolate macaroons with mixing the chocolate in the coconut mixture. I quiet like this idea of dropping chocolate onto the macaroons.

Bread and Cakes

The Model Bakery Yesterday, when i found this double oven, I wondered if it was really what it was.  And these sizes are nothing compared to what the bread makers at The Model Bakery have to deal with. Gigantic ovens. Struan Bread The Struan recipe in the book calls for soaker. And then there is biga and the dough to go with. Morning Glory muffins Berry and cream Cake . I have to make a cake like this at least once in my lifetime. Coconut cake Chooclate Mousse cake  referred in Seasons in the Wine Country. In India too there is a convenience bread by the name Model Bread.

Fish fry

Reading about Following Fish, I came across  Rawa Fry . Mangalorean anjal masala fry Date sauce for Lahori fish fry Koli recipes Gomantak and Malvani