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Showing posts from January, 2021

Vegan Anything

PLANT MADE BY MATTHEW KENNEY. Gluten Free Frozen Meals. Plant Based, Dairy Free, Vegan Food. Quick, Healthy, & Easy Vegetarian Snacks & Dinners.  Matthew Kenney who is a vegan ambassador is famous for his frozen  cauliflower buffalo bites . Other offerings in clude -  cacio e pepe “mac and cheeze,” chickpea curry, jackfruit enchiladas and carnitas, and Korean meatless balls according to  nytimes . With  vegan shrimp  and other such creative dishes, he is working for a sustainable food industry. Why he is vegan Save 15.0% on select products from PLANT MADE BY MATTHEW KENNEY with promo code 15AMAZONPM, through 2/26 while supplies last.
BritTreats British Candy Whats this Brouhaha about  British chocolates ? For a fair comparision you would have to try the same chocolate bar.  Dairy Milk  from Cadbury, even though has same chocolate and milk, its the cocoa butter in US vs other oils in UK, that make the difference. 15000  gourmands  can tell the difference between the final processing step impact on the taste change of candy bars. From "Give them cake" to "Give them the candy rules to their liking". What would Mark Twain say if  he tried British Chocolate ? Save 5.0% on select products from BritTreats with promo code 05BRITTREATS, through 2/28 while supplies last.

Prebiotic soda

poppi A Healthy Sparkling Prebiotic Soda, w/ Real Fruit Juice, Gut Health & Immunity Benefits, Strawberry Lemonade How this young business pivoted during pandemic Save 10.0% on select products from poppi with promo code 10OFFJANTT, through 2/27 while supplies last.

Tables & Spreads: A Go-To Guide for Beautiful Snacks, Intimate Gatherings, and Inviting Feasts

  Tables & Spreads: A Go-To Guide for Beautiful Snacks, Intimate Gatherings, and Inviting Feasts Author of  Platter and Boards Design elements like the U shaped double candle holder and another semcircular single candle holder. Contrasting geometric pieces. Even  Fancy toothpicks  or toothpicks with mini honeycomb globes can add luxe to the event. There's a handy checklist to help lan the spread right up to the moment of the party starting from the occasion, number of people, season, ingredients, grocery shopping. If you are serious about this whole spread thing, you can start with  different types of butter knives  - solid sterling master, hollow handle master,  solid handle individual butter spreader, hollow handle individual butter spreader. Wow.. what an indepth look into the Art of Spreads. You will have so much know-how by the end of the book that you will be drawing out ideas for it. Details on many things - cheese knifes, cheese cuts, meat cuts, styling, cracker types,

Very Berry

Sunrise Fresh Dried Dark Sweet Cherries, Dried California Peaches and Dried Tart Apples  How much are berries a part of your life? There are easy ways to incorporate berries and dried fruits into your diet. Spruce up your Morning oatmeal. Add the bite and flavors to your salad lunch.  And for dinner - In undergrad, in a special pulav, they added lots of dried fruits and nuts. Snack on them any time. Even better, if you have a book on all things blueberry, you can make recipes and enjoy it in different varieties. Blueberry Lemonade Blueberry Butter with no butter Blueberry and red onion salsa. Buttermilk blueberry soup Blueberry Vinagrette Blueberry biscotti Blueberry Shrub There is a similar bok called Strawberry Love from the same author. the red and pinks from the Strawberry make it excellen for Valentines.   Save 10.0% on select products from SUNRISE FRESH DRIED FRUIT CO. OF CALIFORNIA with promo code 10SUNRISE, through 2/27 while supplies last.

Happy belated Sankranthi

Have you tried  FoodPrint  app? I made murukku with 1:1 ratio of rice flour and besan flour. Neighbors loved it as they seem to like less crunchy ones. Its a joint effort. reminded me of how my parents teamed up to do the pressing off the muruku and deep frying it. I have to make appalu/ gaarelu next time.