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Showing posts from March, 2012

New muffin

Yesterday, at Costco I found Apple crumb muffins sounded interesting but not as much as Almond poppy muffins . I had Madeleine too. I was surprised that it was soft. The Starbucks one seem like they would be hard. The egg taste was too conspicuous to ignore.

Popular book from past

I was reading The Curious incident of the Dog in the night time last night and came across Battenberg cake. I have seen a similar cake done to reflect a painting at a museum. I heard of this book as apointer to read in 2004 but never got my hands on it. The paragraphs increase in prime numbers. I do not know if it would have been possible for me to understand the central character then.Or quiche, crumble, Plaice , Jaffa Cakes , Clementines Lose your rag Why is row - quarrel?

Veg food with music

Warm Nicoise made me pick this Salad Daze book by Hot knives . This book has its 'Table of Contents' done innovatively in the form of a 'periodic table'. Come to think of it, Table of Contents is a good title for a cookbook. The 'Hot Chips' write up makes me wonder how chips taste when hot. There is a section on salt. Safeway has a recipe for 'herb salt' on its salt box. Anticaking agent is added to salt. We are not happy with our products as they are. We want them free-flowing. Recall the 'Captain Cook' salt ad where the lady compares the free flowing salt with the soggy one. We add oils to peanut butter to prevent seperation. Salt is a big deal. Salt is seen as a symbol of loyalty in India. Foraging mushrooms. A party got lost foraging ans was subsequently found. Vadouvan Fork seems to be a useful tool not limted to just eating. A tip in this book asks you to use the fork to slough the peel of a roasted turnip. In a video, the a

Baking cowgirl style - Flop'py

In a time that was not there, I began making Farmers cake . I believe in putting things in the oven and then asking questions of how long it will take. The answer is 40-45 min. I told my friend who we would be meeting for lunch that we sould see her in 45+30 min. The cake called for canned pineapple. I am not a fan of canned when fresh is available. We bought a pineapple the night before. I went into high gear panic when the recipe order found me with hands in a bowl with sugar, flour, eggs. Once the pineapple was crushed, I realised what would be our wetting ingredient. By the time the pineapple got prepped (just enough time to overcome my doubts about what was going to be the liquifying part of the cake), I had used up the best 45 min of the time available. Usually I find myself on the otherside of the spectrum where the recipe calls for water in a cake (chocolate cake/pudding especially). Now the quantity. A quick search led me to believe that 8 pineaplle slices would be good. N

They are everywhere

A Planet of viruses Learning to identify viruses and how they thrive has not been easy for scientists. Author Carl Zimmer has given the scientists their due by explaining how they went about finding odd things and trying to understand them. He also gives due Respect to viruses for their part in photosynthesis and in fusion of a part of the fertilised egg with placenta. Rhinovirus, Flu, HPV, SARS, West Nile virus and the eradicated smallpox. We hear of these outbreaks in newspapers. In the book, the author presents a history of the source of the viruses, medical efforts in their identification and found ways of subsiding them. I first heard of the Tree man in Medical mysteries . It long skipped my brain that it was caused by a virus and the tree man's immune system couldnt handle it. In this case, the author starts with a myth of rabbits spotted with horns and how it has been debunked with virology. Then there is the phages, retroviruses phase which will interest virology st


I had French toast muffin from Costco today. Too sweet. How can one resist making cinnamom pull apart bread ? Costco had Hake fillet . I couldnt stop thinking about it for a while after having it. There was Salsa with bean tostadas and this time the product to be sampled was the salsa.

Sticks to Bundle

Since yesterday night, I was thinking of something to make very quickly for breakfast. For the last few days we have been gorging on Costco muffins, Croissants ( I loved these Croissants but I dont like the texture of the ones made from the frozen dough. But I like the dotted line son it to assist shaping) and all that fatty stuff. From the deep pockets of memory, this morning I recalled Popovers . In the time I boiled the milk-tea, I got the batter done. So no additional time incurred. While making the batter I was thinking that sponge cake is not the first recipe I made that uses milk. I was thinking about the difference between a popover and a sponge cake . Stuff like this seems to be exactly what is taught in 'School and home cooking'. This book does call a sponge cake a fatless cake. This time I did feel that popovers are bland. Thats not to take away the marvel of their lightness. But from now on I will add something in them for flavour. Remember the story of 'Stre

Oozing chocolate cake

I am looking for a dessert to make for guests. Some good ones like banana pudding need chilling. Its 75F. So what I am looking for is a warm dessert. Oozing chocolate cake fits the needs. Lets see how it turns out. Its soft. Tastes good when warm. But the time to bake needs to be doubled than what is in the recipe. My friend walked into the kitchen to see if she could help with anything. I had the batter ready thinking that since the baking time is under 15 min, I could get the dessert during the main course. When she looked at the brown batter being ladled into the ramekins 'Imli(tamarind) hai kya?' Later when I finally got the dessert done, she appreciated the warmth of the dessert even though chocolate is not her favourite. Now I see why she didnt guess the batter to be of chocolate. I have seen desserts charm people especially when they get done when people are ready for it. Use this tip generously . My friend got me Mango burfi, Sutar pheni. Her husband while e

Why pasta for dinner again?

Yesterday I made pasta for dinner. Nothing big about that. Today I am making pasta for dinner. Yesterday's was alast resort, escape from boredom of eating rice for lunch and lack of people in the household gung-ho to make rotis from flour and the fridge spat out the ready made roti cover. So I just put some pasta on stove and mixed the ridge gourd curry that I made into it. Husband said I should retain some water. I did but it didnt remain. This morning I saw a recipe . My eyes mistook the squash for carrot and escarole for spinach. I thought I was looking at carrot-spinach pasta. the recipe seemed complicated with caramelization. So here I am better armed with a simpler recipe to use up spinach which would have gone into lentils had my husband located the bigger pressure cooker in the kitchen. It is not big but it is not totally accessible to me with its potential energy.


I ask the bus driver does this bus stop at my house beyond the bus stop No I have to carry a bag of rice May be I can walk with it On the bus I find the school my aunt works at beyond the house Excuse me sir can you stop the bus? the bus took an opposite route I am where I should be but the bag of rice is behind


I look for #1052 Where it should be theres nothing My dad will be here at the hostel to take me home for vacation How will he find me? I am with my husband in a found room We are deciding what to keep what to pack what to leave what to throw pillows I can use He calls my dad the area code doesnt match my dad's How will he take me home?

chocolate upside down sponge cake

Recently my friend had told me that friend had made sponge cake easily. They say Too many cooks spoil the broth . In my case, I can accomplish that just by myself. (Reference to Black eyed peas) I ma be that many hands popping things in not in the recipe but in the pantry sliced almonds from Viennese brownies chocolate chips from god knows when and for what and for occasional coco jump start In Telugu, theres a saying 'padi mandilo paamu chaavadu', Between ten people a snake doesnt die. with the you do, I do the task never gets done. I started making Grandmas warm milk cake . You might think, heres a recipe, whats the fun in following it since you know the end point. 'Execution, Execution, Execution'. In the time you say and do that. So many things happen. I have already written about the Mindless eating which wasnt in the recipe. Later when I was searching more about the cake, this Grandma warm milk sponge cake reference along with the consistency t

Lets talk butter

Melomakarona and Tsoureki in Unbinding the heart Today I bought Croissants . Its not my usual behavior. But I did find a way to recreate one of my favourite foods. Dipping puri in tea. Dipping a croissant feels just like that.

Mindless eating

The first time I had Sakinalu was at college hostel. I was told that they add green onion stalks too. I wasnt a big fan of the taste. They are made I the shape of telugu alphabets too so kids can learn their aa aaa e ee ... My husband got them made for him on his trip to India. I finished my share of murukulu in a couple of days. I assured him his goods were safe. When I had to get the flour for making Grandmas warm milk cake , something was in the way. The packet of vanilla flavored (I mean plain) and spiced sakinalu. Despite what I told my husband, I liked the spicy ones which I had found too spicy the other day when we still had murukulu.

A curry and a cake

One of the times that I was changing a diaper I saw some black print of numbers. In disbelief I looked at an unused diaper and it really is from a diaper stack arranged numerically. Why would diapers need to be numbered? For production inventory sake, would it not be enough to know that a box contains so many and so many boxes have been shipped. Today, I took out Basha's milk gallon and saw 490 on the can. wondering if it was just this, I found a 492 on another can. whats disconcerting about numbers? A while ago, we were unhappy when our company started issuing usernames based on employee id. A number is just a sequence. Is it because of that predictability that if you are 101 then there's a 100 before you and 101 before you that we dont like about it? If you are Nathan, no one cn guess who's before or after you. Your name is almost unique but so is the number and some more. while wishing to learn more of the milk carton reckoning, I came across Shamrock's to go organ