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Showing posts from October, 2012
Sprouts and safety With food  cut like this  who wouldnt eat raw food? Diet differently-shed weight by maximizing your flavor per calorie

Lemon cakes and cream swans

A cookbook for the  Game of Thrones A peek Desserts

Satay and peanut sauce

The Asian fusion girl Indonesian cuisine I liked  Sweet potato in coconut milk mung bean porridge in coconut milk  or as cold drink with ice.

Breadcrumb marketing

Fresh pumpkins ahead Fresh tomatoes ahead Fresh potatoes ahead After the first banner you wonder why or how and then you get that there is a Farmer' market ahead. I want to know the  Marketing technique . But look at the techniques, how in an ordinary day you can be bombarded with flyposting, introductory rate, on hold messaging, wait marketing, Vendor lock in.
At Costco, We tried chocolate covered cherries. What is neat about these  Dragees  is that they remind you of cherries with their colour. The chocolate is good but the cherry flavour on the top is not very natural. Just like the maraschino cherries on wonderful cakes as topping. Like a evil warding black spot on a sweet face.
Peter Kaminsky

Pea and salmon fishcakes

Pea and salmon fishcakes 1.5 cup peas 25 oz salmon 3/4 cup flour 1.5 cups bread crumbs 1 cup sour cream

From basics to getting crazy baking

Persian walnut cookies If you look at Pastries by Pierre Hermes, the big list of ingredients will push away even the interested from baking. On the other end of spectrum is Robert BlakesLee's 'Your time to bake', as accesible as 'your time to cook'. The first 1/6th of the book lists all the techniques in baking. Uptil here its a guide for the beginners. I was very taken by the chocoroon brownies - brownies with a sweet coconut bottom. I made them. I also made Mexican wedding cakes and walnut puffs. They were all liked by friends and family. It was fun getting hands covered in powdered sugar. Initially when I put the hot cookies in the powder, it formed a thin glaze on the cookies. All the recipes come with a step by step instructions and pictures of the preparation. With simple gadget like a pastry tamper  , the author's steps will get you started on making tartlets in your muffin pans.

Yet another Ramsay book

Steamed marmalade sponge pudding A review  - sesame icecream Carrot and coconut halwa . I tried recalling this but one look at some globe cookies in 'Your time to bake'  helped. This presentation is very different from how we have it at home. Portioning. the difference between how the food looks at home and at a restaurant.
pastry cream powder matcha, yuzu and adzuki tea cake

Mixed bag of recipes

Today we had a picnic with 'South Indian tiffins' as the theme. I chose  Biyyam pindi vundala upma  and  Plantain peas podimas . Everybody liked plantain podimas and  All occasion yellow cake  turned into chocolate cake with a cocoa powder sachet sticking out of a collection bowl. Into the cocoa cake went a My husband helped me in shaping the biyyam pindi into tiny rounds. He was very confident that it would all coagulate. That is what ensued and I ended up making poha.

Baby says yes

My baby has had rice cereal for couple of weeks. then before starting her on this pear and garden greens, I let her have sweet potatoes so that her first memories of food are nice instead of ultra healthy greens. But she devoured this too. It is a good choice to be able to introduce greens so early. Just before feeding, I could smell ripe pear and sweet.

Coconut ravani

preview Authors site Authors article medcookingalaska In this book I liked  coconut ravani . Baking semolina. Caramel pudding and Kytheran pudding.
Safeway's homestyle roasted chicken is flavourful compared to Costco. There is a 'tuxedo cake' for $5 today. I only wanted  apiece and not all of it.
Eat live run The case of missing bananas: Two ripe bananas in the fruit basket. Their inevitable futute is banan bread/cake. I found the  All occasion yellow cake . I searched her site for any banana recipe. There's more Banana Republic sale references than banana recipes. But further in the book I found a 'My brother's favorite banana bread recipe' which uses 1 tsp baking soda ans 2 cups whole wheat flour. It has been adapted and made  Gluten free  by Jeanette. Well the bananas were beyond salvage.

Santa sliding on a triangle of a cake

Carol Deacon The book has many pictures with creative ideas both simple and complex. A simple pipe cleaner become the antlers on a candy cane. The complex ones are pared o simple ones in subsequent pictures. This act of breaking down a whole decoration into its parts is sure to get your creative juices flowing to mold the fondant in a way to customise and please whoever you want to decorate the cake for. The Chinese Dragon cake, summer Holiday Flowers cake (with its 3/4 standing cake), a hot dog, Thanksgiving Turkey Cake (with a story of a turkey crushing the cake built onto the cake). Edible paper. I enjoyed it as a kid. some papercutting to make a snowflake. wow. Its a magical world that the author Carol Deacon presents to us. Whats even better is we can make it ours.

Some desserts

carrot almond torte Bittersweet Brownie Drops Chocolate Marquise

Fondant mold

Party with Flair

Flowerpot cheese breads.  The only reason I never made quiche is the 'crust'. This book had a recipe for crust less quiche. But what is this Bragg Liquid Aminos? I tried the recipe of Eggtastic Mushroom crustless mini quiche anyway and I forgot to add the milk. Another way of serving crustless  mini mushroom quiche . Pizzelle  maker Upcycle Recycle old broken crayons into fun new shapes

When life gives a stuck cake make cake balls

Using  wiltons Candy melts to achieve wonderful colours on the cake balls is not the only secret that author Dede Wilson shares with her readers in this book. In terms of creativity consider  Cassata cake balls. For tempting calls look at the creme brulee cake balls with that thin glass like layer of caramel. Creme brulee cake balls

Chocolate chip cookie

Have you noticed that when you give up something, you notice it everywhere but when you look for it, you dont find it. Especially chocolate chip goodies. I didnt think finding  chocolate chip cookie recipe  that calls for 1 cup flour would be this hard. Standard seems to be 2+ cups and the ones with 1+1/4 cup call for a granary of sugar. I also found this to be a good occasion to finish up a Hershey's bar, that came in a super wrapper of birthday thanks. One up side of all this search is  how to make cookies on the stove top .