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Baking cowgirl style - Flop'py

In a time that was not there, I began making Farmers cake. I believe in putting things in the oven and then asking questions of how long it will take. The answer is 40-45 min. I told my friend who we would be meeting for lunch that we sould see her in 45+30 min. The cake called for canned pineapple. I am not a fan of canned when fresh is available. We bought a pineapple the night before.
I went into high gear panic when the recipe order found me with hands in a bowl with sugar, flour, eggs. Once the pineapple was crushed, I realised what would be our wetting ingredient. By the time the pineapple got prepped (just enough time to overcome my doubts about what was going to be the liquifying part of the cake), I had used up the best 45 min of the time available. Usually I find myself on the otherside of the spectrum where the recipe calls for water in a cake (chocolate cake/pudding especially).
Now the quantity.
A quick search led me to believe that 8 pineaplle slices would be good. Now since thats not SI units, I ballparked the amount that should go in. After the 45 min baking time, I found the edges overcooked and the center still unbaked.
Cooling the pan edges could have helped but it seems like another cake effort. From this fault list of cakes, I could learn to bend to the middle rack of the oven instead of putting it in the top rack.
I had to go into salvage mode since I was running so late. I took out the baked parts and put the frosting in, which looked more like sauce. I am glad that I had my fill of pineapple with the batter itself. My husband didnt think the cake and frosting sweet but my friend thought that it was too sweet. We still have the gooey part and then I was reminde dof the microwave cake. I scooped that into a bowl. The cake batte didnt have any fat in it. I added the frosting which has loads of butter in it. A few minutes of 'mad teapots' game in the microwave. I have to sample it yet. Atleast it has a solid feel to it now.
How cool is the job of the person at Costco who has to put baked cakes in an assembly? Dole out creamy stuff after weighing it on to the perfect cakes and send them out into the hungry world.
Yesterday at a friend's house, we had to guess the main ingredient of a halwa. The first bite reminded me of dabal ka meeta, but I tried to see if there was any subtle flour or farina tastes and I said 'bread'. Bread Halwa. My acknowledgement of getting it right was just short of performance needed on the Millionaire show.


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