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Very Berry

Sunrise Fresh Dried Dark Sweet Cherries, Dried California Peaches and Dried Tart Apples

 How much are berries a part of your life?

There are easy ways to incorporate berries and dried fruits into your diet.

Spruce up your Morning oatmeal.

Add the bite and flavors to your salad lunch. 

And for dinner - In undergrad, in a special pulav, they added lots of dried fruits and nuts.

Snack on them any time. Even better, if you have a book on all things blueberry, you can make recipes and enjoy it in different varieties.

Blueberry Lemonade
Blueberry Butter with no butter
Blueberry and red onion salsa.
Buttermilk blueberry soup
Blueberry Vinagrette
Blueberry biscotti
Blueberry Shrub
There is a similar bok called Strawberry Love from the same author. the red and pinks from the Strawberry make it excellen for Valentines.


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