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Tables & Spreads: A Go-To Guide for Beautiful Snacks, Intimate Gatherings, and Inviting Feasts


Tables & Spreads: A Go-To Guide for Beautiful Snacks, Intimate Gatherings, and Inviting Feasts

Design elements like the U shaped double candle holder and another semcircular single candle holder. Contrasting geometric pieces. Even Fancy toothpicks or toothpicks with mini honeycomb globes can add luxe to the event.

There's a handy checklist to help lan the spread right up to the moment of the party starting from the occasion, number of people, season, ingredients, grocery shopping.

If you are serious about this whole spread thing, you can start with different types of butter knives - solid sterling master, hollow handle master, solid handle individual butter spreader, hollow handle individual butter spreader.

Wow.. what an indepth look into the Art of Spreads. You will have so much know-how by the end of the book that you will be drawing out ideas for it. Details on many things - cheese knifes, cheese cuts, meat cuts, styling, cracker types, candles, table cloth, color wheel, music, drink pairing. With so muhc thought put into it, you and your guests will enjoy the party even more.


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