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Chips and salsa. They are always different. Here the salsa was served in a jar. The chips were toasted hard. I couldnt pay attention to the menu to order, as I was busy downing the chips and salsa. At some point, which we arrived at after a refill of our chips boat, I felt that my mouth had its fill of chips taste and stopped the consumption.
We had Chicken la Sierra at La Sierra Mexican restaurant in Payson. It had tomatillo sauce in it. spicy. It almost tasted like chicken curry. The menu said that the traditional dishes would have both rice and beans. We found neither on the plate. when we asked the waiter he said, "Not with this one". later on billing we did see that the price went dow by a dollar for speaking out. As we went along with the dish, we did find some rice buried under the sauce. Which Mexican restaurant does that? I have always seen the rice and beans on the side. My husband had to ahve Tamales as he has never had it before. He wasnt very impressed. we had bean soup la sierra style. The beans were heartwarming. The soup itself was light. I was hoping it would be more mashed beans. I must have been expecting something like veg chili. In the end, we had flan. Looks wise, it was al marred by the whipped cream around the flan. I feel the flan would just look its best with the caramel on top. So unnecessary meddling there. Flan itself was ok, nothing to write home about. I once had it at my friends house and felt that every bite had a message.
Having had late lunch, we had to make it a light dinner. We went to KFC. I have never had their food. As soon as you enter the store, you see a man all dressed in white sitting on a park bench. Hes right in your face, even if a statue. McD's guy is so much smaller and ignorable. Liked their grilled chicken but their hot wings, if that is the original style I will never go for it. The first time I had southern fried chicken was at Stome Mountain in Georgia. I still like it grilled than S. fried. The potato salad was good. cobette.
At KFC, I was asking for Starbucks. A lady who works there, asked me if I was looking for something particular. When I said just coffee, she recommended a local coffee shop called Scoops . She likes their capuccino. I like white mocha chocolate. Thats why I go to the bucks.
In the morning, we saw that it was slightly drizzling. When we culdnt find scoopa at the Whitings, we got into KnottyPine Cafe. My husband can have the regular coffee. So while he was having that, we got the directions to Scoops. My white chocolate mocha came with blue sugar sprinkled on the top. Thats the fanciest cup I ever had. when husband then took Cappucino to go. He said thats exactly what would go well with the drive. I would like to add more sugar to that.
The store had another room which had mostly footprints of all the 190 people who celebrated their birthday there. The oldest was 94yrs old. And the yougest 3 day old, left her footprints on the wall. The tables are chalkboards, so when kids are having fun at the party, they can draw colorful doodles too. One side of the room had a huge rack with lots of games in it. The store had a fun map on its wall with a disclaimer of not to scale. But the locations were off the map too. The candle factory has its open hours as 7 days a 'wick'.
On Food network, Melissa added left over yam puree into a cake.


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