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How to destroy fresh strawberries?

Recently my friend bought me some fresh strawberries and cherry tomatoes.

I boiled the strawberries for a pancake topping. the fresh cut berries tasted so sweet that I kept eating them before cooking them. I didnt add sugar to make the compote, cause I couldnt get myself to. Eventually the thickened sauce tasted so unsweet that no amount of honey could salve it.

With cherry tomatoes I made rasam, my roomate's version. Lots of garlic and tomatoes cook up in oil and water to form the final product. My mom wondered what kind it was without boiling and mashing the tomatoes and adding tamarind water in it. I put the tomatoes in microwave. they had fun time popping but not worth the cleaning time.

Jalapeno potato chip

Break eggs into cauliflower a little before its ready to be taken off the stove.

Tamarind bloom is cooked with lentils.


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