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Ina garten foolproof recipes

The concept of foolproof recipes is great. In the foreword, Ina G's recipe focus sounds homely but looking at the boxed ingredients on the side of the recipe say otherwise.

mustard gruyere batons look good. Curry puffs too can be presented in this shape. They could also be done in the 'crab strudel' way. That is cut diagonally. Come to think of it, the curry puffs can be presented in the spring roll, cake roll, palmier method. Remember the fun way of making a purse with a handkerchief rolled in the palmier way and then turned upside down. Rolled again.
Crispy roasted kale
raspberry crumble bars - dough used in filling too.
Salted caramel brownies
Viennese Iced coffee


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