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Hon Machi

Long time ago when I went to Hon Machi, I was in my own world and didnt realise that the Teppanyaki chef through a pea to be caught. This time I know, meant to be caught not by hand but by mouth. As does the squeezed oil go into the mouth of partyers.
A story that I have to regale everytime is the Chris McFarley's Beverly Ninja movie scene of being the chef with a piece of meat on his forehead.
There was one sauce that I asked seconds for. My husband a mustard fan likes stronger kind of sauces, so I was wary of trying it. Once hooked, I wanted it on everything.
The onion volcano is kind of cute.

Why recall only the good food memories? Why not recall those utter failures.
Inspired from the edamame salad at Hon Machi, my husband got some peas to be boiled and shelled when ready to eat. To his and everyone's surprise, what should we see when we opened the pods, pea free.


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