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Raspberry Cream Cheese Toast Untoast

I was going to make the Mediterranean style baked egg boats from Ciabatta rolls. But there are many, so I wont use it all yp in floating the boats. So I can use them in other recipes. Besides theres loads of boiled chole which has become Avocado Hummus and the remaining has to become chole. Sanjay thummas tip - add the boiled water first to the onion, tomato base and then add chole only after all that has cooked a bit. Its not even Chole and Chapathi for lunch. It turned out to be split Ciabatta toasted in the toaster with some fried fish and salsa from Huevos Rancheros
Coming back to the Raspberry Cream Cheese Toast Untoast, I asked my daughter what would she like for lunch. She said toast and when I was going to toast that, she didnt want that meaning skip the toasting. Then the Mr suggested cream cheese on it. Later after exit and entry to the kitchen, I found a surprising raspberry colour and wondered if it was some jam. I was told that it was my daughter's idea to crush raspberry into the sandwich.


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