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So many kinds of rice

Germinated brown rice but it doesnt show sprouts.

Indian Yellow Rice. On adding turmeric to white rice, it turns yellow. In one of our customs, we pour rice that has been mixed with a a bit of turmeric and oil. The next day this rice is cooked and offered to neighbours and relatives.

Rice with Spinach. A recipe suggests that spinach be added in the last 10 mins of the cooking cycle so it cooks by steam.

Rice with Vermicelli. Adding 1/4 cup of vermicelli for every cup of rice.

Green Tea rice. Using tea bags, prepare water. Yesterday we enjoyed green tea pastry and lotus seeds pastry. 

There is a recipe for pilaf with rice and lentils. I have tried one a wile ago with sprouted lentils. I hadnt sprouted some lentils properly and was down with a stomachache the next morning.

There are other recipes for steamed puddings.


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