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Bread spread

I wanted to try safeway select heat serve garlic bread. Along with it I bought Safeway Garlic spread too. Once I took the warm bread out of the foil, I realised that there is no need for extra spread. Now I need bread to see how that spread tastes. I am out of it. So wheat bread is it. And the yeast from Costco. There is something to say about buying ingredients, if you have just begun using them, you are not sure about the quantity to buy it in, if you are going to maintain the frequency of needing it in the recipe. I bought molasses a long time ago and still havent opened he bottle. When I bought the yeast, I felt that every time I have bread it should be home made. A long time later when I opened it, it works great.
The bread is sweet. Round bread had better structure than the loaf.


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