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Must try breakfast

One morning while struggling to pretend that fat free Philadelphia cream cheese tasted ok on Safeway freshly made bagels which was more like soft bread, my eyes fell on Village baker. A nondescript signboard but got me curious enough to find out more about it. As I walked in, I found the decor of the place with thin wooden logs match the color of the bread. there's a huge bread artifact that'll make you enquire if thats real. The goodies that I found on sale were cinnamon rolls and another with its tag on the side. i managed to step a little into the zone of the cashier and read it as scones but they looked like fashionable scones. If you can imagine a stuffing in the center baked as bread and then cut out. I asked the cashier for the place's best. It being morning, he had to pick from pastries. "Chocolate Brioche". Dark brown. From the looks of it, it didnt seem like the clouds would break after I bite into it. I pulled apart bits for my family to try. It was crisp and melted chocolate here and there kept reminding me to come back to it for more. I have heard of Brioche as bread but not in these handy sizes. These look fantastic.


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