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Fried Onions

While going through a post on French idioms related to cooking, I wanted to write one such too.
The one that first comes to my mind is ulli chesina melu thallaina cheyadu, onion does more good than mom.
I dont like raw onions. Raw onions are had as salad in North India. They are had along with lime juice while eating non-vegetarian food in Telangana. They are also used in perugu chutney. I have mostly had this in weddings. Other foods that I associate with weddings is Spinach with Chanal Dal left whole instead of mashed.
As a child I have seen elders in villages have small white onions along with buttermilk. Those onions were not agreeable but I wonder why they still had them.

On onions:
"I don't like food that talks back to you after you've eaten," Chanel said. - What the Great Ate

When it comes to food talking theres an idiom in Hindi kal ke chole aaj ko bhole about chole announcing themselves flagging the end of digestion. But so do onions.

Actors and Onions

There was a reason female actors ocassionally complained about Clark Gables breath. The food he was most passionate about was raw onions, which Gable had with or without bread. - What the Great Ate

According to Joan Crawford, Spencer Tracy would show up for these (romantic) scenes with "beer and onion breath". - What the Great Ate


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