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Ways with green

Emeril has a recipe for 'Cilantro Pesto' in Farm to fork. I have made cilantro with yogurt and I liked it. I buy this idea.
Shirred eggs. Now I used to think that all my math teachers had good English. I have to form a new myth about chefs vocabulary.
Opal Basil.
Cheese salt. With so many salts, 'namak haraam' has to get more specific.
Escarole salad.
Pickled water melon. So with green beans. onions. okra.
If you know tres leche- three kinds of milk, getr eady for the triple chocolate - unsweetened, semi sweet, bitter sweet.
Arugula flan. I didnt know that flan could be savory.
When I look at stuffed figs and stuffed artichokes, I wonder if the way to eat them is easy?


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