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Made Couscous last night and had it with the Cabbage Comeliness. and I have noticed that it is very filling (same with corn upma aka polenta). While reading up on it, I came across a restaurant review of Mombar which almost made me want to write a surreal book after reading this line 'Pyramids of couscous are served alongside age-old recipes, like mombar, for which the restaurant is named, a stuffed sausage dish that Mr. Sayed’s grandmother used to make.'

The story would have someone know that they arrived once they are at the place or something like that will be said by a soothsayer.

Come to think of places and realisations while watching the FBI story,  when the scarlet macaws were found, suddenly it hit me about the 'macayo' restaurant. 

(Yesterday happened to be a significant day in the movie too)

Back to the mombar Menu. another interesting thing in the review is that each town had their own cuisine.


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