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There lay on my desk, a very orange pumpkin.
What was I going to do with it.
I know that my family and village cook pumpkin curry during a celebration of the deity who appeared in our ancestors dream, during a drought time and told them to move to the current village for water.
I thought I could use half for the curry and the rest for a dessert.
I would have taken my husband's help for hacking the pumpkin but he was too busy with the garden.
I did not realise that I had undertaken a huge program. Peeling and cutting the pumpkin is time consuming. The second dish from the bottom of the photo is sambhar. I had put in a home grown squash from a neighbor's garden into the sambhar. for once with the original looking seeds of the squash in sambhar, it looked like I cracked the code of sambhar. I cut pumpkin cubes into sambhar. But still there was more than half. For the curry, third from the bottom, I cut them still smaller and boiled them for a while. 


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