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Yummy Garlic Toast at your fingers

California Garlic Grass-Fed Ghee Butter by 4th & Heart, On-the-Go Single Serving 5-Count, Pasture Raised, Non-GMO, Lactose Free, Certified Paleo spreads very easy on a toast, so easy that even a preschooler can make a mild garlic toast reminiscent of the Texas garlic toast, once you give them the toast. With a single serve packet, there is enough to spread onto two toasts. If you prefer to let the toast ooze , there's some liquid form to it too. I put an opened one in the fridge and that froze. Its easier to use when stored outside and sealed.

Fourth & heart has a wide variety of spreads with Vanilla Bean, Salted White truffle and Himalayan Pink Salt flavors.


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