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One Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder

I am always looking for flavours to add to milk, so I dont have to add sugar. Ever since I read of matcha in baking, it was a mystery to me. Matcha green tea powder when added to hot milk, added a perceptible taste but thats something that needs getting used too to. There was some green sediments left over . When it comes to baking, even after the high heat action, the baked goods - matcha swirl shortbread cookies and matcha cup cakes had a natural green colour.

Matcha shortbread cookies  tasted just like naan khatai. It is a good option when to make vegeterian baking, when you are meeting someone for the first time and you dont know if they eat eggs or not. I wanted to welcome our neighbours with brownies, in the TV style but they appreciated these even better. Only the swirl got lost because, baking them in the bottom row gave them a brown crust. Phew! all that effort into making two different doughs.

Matcha cupcakes


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