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Orange Chiffon cake

From yesterday's cookbook, I had selected Orange Chiffon cake, Applesauce cake, applesauce and others to be made.
A friend's visit is a perfect time for an Orange chiffon cake, given its ' first new cake in 100 years' status. And even better to bake with a friend. This recipe needed more than two hands what with the seperating egg whites and yolks of more than half a dozen. First struggling and then enjoying this task my friend told me of a gadget that does it. When I told her I enjoyed peeling boiled eggs. She tells me of a gadget for that too. Its easier to peel boiled eggs than potatoes and its less messy.
At the end of mixing the ingredients, the dough looked runny. For that the final cake was good. I dont know how fluffy it should be although I did see pockets of air. The best part I liked was squeeaing fresh orange juice. thanks to my roomate's tip for picking fresh oranges.
My friend gave me 'the Best of Bon Appetit' book from which I learn of other ways of making applesauces - baked and raw.
Another book that she gave me is 'Cooking Light - Annual Recipes 2001'. Lets see how much the book sticks to light.

Cakes to make: Hermit cookies, Applesauce cake, chocolate pudding cake.


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